Tuesday 26 March 2013

Unit 25


In this task we had produce a series of images that showcased a personality and then printed of a High, Medium & Low key print 9" x 6" for each print.

In this shoot I have used my daughter Robyn and got her to just act like she normally does messing around and being playful.

Image one High Key - Studio location in my house using an umbrella and a soft box on the left & the umbrella on the right.
Image two Mid Key again using a umbrella but adjusting the aperture to soften the light and again with the Soft box.

Later in photo shoot I have editing Robyn's eyes to bring out the brown more and make them sharp. I have also upped the contrast.

Image three Low Key

In this low key image I have come in close to Robyn and used on the soft box directly in front of her.  Later in Photoshop I have upped the contrast.

Each of these image have been printed off and passed to Bill for assessment.

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