Tuesday 26 March 2013

Task 3, TIME 

In this task we had the option to select one of the following to produce a series of images to display on our blog & print off 9" x 6".

I have chosen TIME as my project.  I carried out some research before I started and based some of my images around my research.

Image 1, Photographer unknown

Image 2, By Julie Morrison

In this image I have used my own studio on location with a high key set up against a white wall. The models where marketing their own make up styles I have used the eye in this image as its bright colours and its sharp. I have then edited it later to add a cock dial over the eye for time similar to the image above.

Image 3, I have used an egg timer & then placed in on a product table with a black backdrop. The lighting used has been a snoot with flash and a red filter over the snoot held by Fanni to create a 3D effect.  In post editing I have then used a pen with soft brush to create sound waves as best I could however Im not very good at drawing so I have done the best I can.  Around the image I have types numbers in to create a boarder effect.

Image 3,

In this image I have used scrabble and then used words relating to time including Eternity, Distance & Past with past slightly being out of focus. I have taken the image using the product table with a black back drop. I have used the snoot light again with no filter over it just a soft light and a black reflector to the right of the letters. Some light in the room for health & safety reasons. 

In editing I have upped the contrast in the image and I have also changed the colours to darken the letters as the light was over the letters and was taking away the point I was trying to make in the image with the letter being placed one behind each other with past being at the back. 

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