Tuesday 19 March 2013

Task 2 of Unit 25

In this unit we had to produce two images that relate in some way to our personality 

Here are my images and why I have chosen to do these images discussing why they show my persona and what they mean to me.

Image one taken by Julie Morrison. 

This image is a champagne glass filled with champagne and then I have injected Ink to show that alcohol is poison to me and that its no good for for me to drink as I don't to it very well if I drink to much.

I have used a product table and then placed bright colour feathers on the bottom to create a happy party mood normally relating to parties and socialising. Enjoying yourself however at the top I have shown the darker side o drink with the dark background and the ink & syringe.

To take this image I have used the product table and then placed a black cloth over it to add the depth in the image.  The light has been placed to right using a snoot with a snoot over it. This has created a bright focused light o the feathers and then a darker cast over the ink being put into the glass.

Product shot 2 to follow


Again with this image I have used bright colors as I feel that my personality is bright and colorful.  I have placed some feathers into an umbrella again using a product table with the light coming from the right hand side looking down onto the product.

I asked Ste to help me by dropping some of the feathers down onto the umbrella to create some movement in the shoot.  The colors' in the feathers are so bright and stand out.

Later in photoshop I have upped the contracts and adjusted the curves to sharpen the overall Image.

Here is an image by and unknown artist that I have found and got my inspiration from.

This image has been shoot in a studio with direct light on it. I loved the brightness in the image and the colurs stand out.

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