Monday 11 February 2013

Studio Health & Saftey

Heath & Saftey in the stuido!!
Here are 12 Heath & Saftey rules that shuld be used when in the studio.....
* Make sure that there are only a small ammount of people n the studio at the same time.
* If there are props to be used make sure that they are in a safe place
* Make sure that cables dont run on the floor and if they do try and tape them down or cover them.
* Advise if strobe lights are in use incase of light senstivity.
* Make sure peolple dont mess with the light bulbs as they can get very hot.
* When using back drops be careful again making sure they are secure so that people canot trip on them.
* Let your eyes adjust to the light around you if working in a dark room.
* Be carefull when changing soft boxes as they can be heavy.
* Be careful when using liquids & water in the stuido as there is alot of electrical equipment.
* Make sure that your protectors have been removed from the lights before using them.
* Tidy up when you have finnished & put everything back where it should be.


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