Tuesday 12 February 2013

High & Low key photography

High Key Images taken by Julie Morrison - ISO - 100 - F8, 1/125th  Canon 40D

Lights used - 4 x lights 2 x soft boxes and 2 continues lights.  The backdrop is white with little light in the room apart from the studio lighting.

Model - Amanda - close up soot of her eye with heart shape around the eye for creative intent.

This image has been edited in photoshop by myself.  I have used CS6 Photoshop, cropped the image slightly, then I have upped the brightness. I have then used the clone stamp to remove parts of Amanda's hair at the top left of the image as the hair was a bit fussy.  I have then used the Gaussian blur tool to blur the skin and give her a smother texture to make the image better.  to then make it stand out more I have used the Laos tool around the eye and filled it in green then adjusted it to a low light.

Another example of High key at Home with my own studio - 

Umbrella light used at the right and a soft box to the left.  Some natural light coming in from the right hand side.  ISO - 100, F8, Shutter 1/125

Model - Wendy - My Sister - Close up of her head, neck and shoulders looking over one shoulder towards me and with her eyes looking down.  Wendy has a pieced look when the images have been taken however in this image she is more natural and the mood it relaxed.

Again this image has been adjusted later in photoshop CS6. I have upped the contrast, cropped the image and changed the level's on the image to get the black background.

Low Key Images - 

Image taken with a canon 40D - ISO, 100, F8, shutter 1/125

Model - Amanda- Low key image darker more shadows.... This image has not been edited yet.

Model - Lydia - Image shot with two soft boxes to get a low key picture however when editing I have exposed the image more and now it looks more High Key.  I have also painted her nails using CS6 Photoshop by using the Laso tool and then filling the colour in red.

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