Tuesday 26 March 2013

Task 3, TIME 

In this task we had the option to select one of the following to produce a series of images to display on our blog & print off 9" x 6".

I have chosen TIME as my project.  I carried out some research before I started and based some of my images around my research.

Image 1, Photographer unknown

Image 2, By Julie Morrison

In this image I have used my own studio on location with a high key set up against a white wall. The models where marketing their own make up styles I have used the eye in this image as its bright colours and its sharp. I have then edited it later to add a cock dial over the eye for time similar to the image above.

Image 3, I have used an egg timer & then placed in on a product table with a black backdrop. The lighting used has been a snoot with flash and a red filter over the snoot held by Fanni to create a 3D effect.  In post editing I have then used a pen with soft brush to create sound waves as best I could however Im not very good at drawing so I have done the best I can.  Around the image I have types numbers in to create a boarder effect.

Image 3,

In this image I have used scrabble and then used words relating to time including Eternity, Distance & Past with past slightly being out of focus. I have taken the image using the product table with a black back drop. I have used the snoot light again with no filter over it just a soft light and a black reflector to the right of the letters. Some light in the room for health & safety reasons. 

In editing I have upped the contrast in the image and I have also changed the colours to darken the letters as the light was over the letters and was taking away the point I was trying to make in the image with the letter being placed one behind each other with past being at the back. 

Unit 25


In this task we had produce a series of images that showcased a personality and then printed of a High, Medium & Low key print 9" x 6" for each print.

In this shoot I have used my daughter Robyn and got her to just act like she normally does messing around and being playful.

Image one High Key - Studio location in my house using an umbrella and a soft box on the left & the umbrella on the right.
Image two Mid Key again using a umbrella but adjusting the aperture to soften the light and again with the Soft box.

Later in photo shoot I have editing Robyn's eyes to bring out the brown more and make them sharp. I have also upped the contrast.

Image three Low Key

In this low key image I have come in close to Robyn and used on the soft box directly in front of her.  Later in Photoshop I have upped the contrast.

Each of these image have been printed off and passed to Bill for assessment.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Task 2 of Unit 25

In this unit we had to produce two images that relate in some way to our personality 

Here are my images and why I have chosen to do these images discussing why they show my persona and what they mean to me.

Image one taken by Julie Morrison. 

This image is a champagne glass filled with champagne and then I have injected Ink to show that alcohol is poison to me and that its no good for for me to drink as I don't to it very well if I drink to much.

I have used a product table and then placed bright colour feathers on the bottom to create a happy party mood normally relating to parties and socialising. Enjoying yourself however at the top I have shown the darker side o drink with the dark background and the ink & syringe.

To take this image I have used the product table and then placed a black cloth over it to add the depth in the image.  The light has been placed to right using a snoot with a snoot over it. This has created a bright focused light o the feathers and then a darker cast over the ink being put into the glass.

Product shot 2 to follow


Again with this image I have used bright colors as I feel that my personality is bright and colorful.  I have placed some feathers into an umbrella again using a product table with the light coming from the right hand side looking down onto the product.

I asked Ste to help me by dropping some of the feathers down onto the umbrella to create some movement in the shoot.  The colors' in the feathers are so bright and stand out.

Later in photoshop I have upped the contracts and adjusted the curves to sharpen the overall Image.

Here is an image by and unknown artist that I have found and got my inspiration from.

This image has been shoot in a studio with direct light on it. I loved the brightness in the image and the colurs stand out.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Food Photography

@ Colours Restaurant 

We had the opertunity to take images using studio lighting in the college restaurant with food prepared by the Hotel & Lesuire Students.

We set up the lights around the tables that had been set up for use in preperation for use to be able to get the right light if not using natural light! 

Here are my images taken from the Restaurant using Canon 40D ISO 100 - F8 - to F4 shutter 125th

Here are examples of food photography that I have found on the Internet similar to the images I have taken in the restaurant.

The lights used on these images is brighter than the ones I have done they may have more natural Light or they look like they have edited later in Photoshop to sharpen & brighten their image.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Examples of different lighting used

Examples of different images & the lighting that we used to        create the same look in the college studio

Picture 1,

Here are the originals that we looked at and then my example's of them that I have taken after we had set up the lighting in the studio ourself and set our cameras

Example 1, 

Model on sat on a chair in the center of a dark room. 
Legs crossed and same body angle!

Beauty dish light used on a 45 degree angle with a slight dark reflector of the corner of the light to get darker shadows. 

Picture 2,

Here is my picture the same as this one using similar lighting in the same position.

Example 2, By Julie Morrison

 Picture 3

Example 3, By Julie Morrison

Picture 4,

Example 4, By Julie Morrison

Picture 5,

Example 5, By Julie Morrison

Picture 6,

Example 6, By Julie Morrison



Rankin is predominately a fashion photographer who works works mainly in a studio or on location

Here are some of Rankins fashion images taken within a studio!

In the top image we can see that Rankin has worked in a studio and used a white back drop with high key lighting around the model. The lightness of the models skin tone works well against the her dark hair and the make up & mask that she has on.  Rankin would of also had an assistant to get the movement of her her or a fan was used. I don't think a reflector has been used but a beauty dish may have been.

On this image here the light is more low key on the model in the boots. This creates a better effect and suite the style of clothing the model has on.  Rakin would have used two lights at each side of the model and possibly one more forward to the right to get the skin town light on the body but not too bright to lose the showing to the right.

on the image below the light is directly on the front of the model and not to the back of her as its black.  I would have guessed that there has been a beauty dish used with a honeycomb light to add texture & depth in this picture.  The light is straight on the model & there possibly a white reflector under her by her chest to reflect the light up to her face.

Gregory Crewdson

Gregory Crewdson's Images

Gregory Crewdson uses staging and lighting to create his images to such a powerful story.  These two images are from a collection of the Twilight Series in where he has had both a creative intent as well as a client requirement.  Crewdson's other images in the past have come from dreams that he has had or life encounters things that where going on in his life effecting his state of mind and then re-creating these dreams into images and works of art.   

ttp://www.nowness.com/day/2012/7/5/2263/gregory-crewdson-beginning - this is a short video on crewdson and where some of his ideas come from.